Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Year In Review

January started off with a bang as we took in two new babies just a few days before the new year rolled in and they both passed away in the first week of January. I was reminded what a help my writing is as I poured my heart and soul out onto the pages of this blog and you all were there to encourage and lift me up.
 We attended our first ever Policemen's Ball and had a blast. I wrote about my occasional slips into hyperbole. We had one of our ever crazy shopping days. I gave you a peek into what is in my wallet huge purse. I shared an average day in Africa. 

February we had a wicked crazy trip to the capital. You can read that saga involving life threatening illnesses, power struggles, odd mistakes, etc: here, here, here, here, here and here. Told you it was a saga!

In March I learned that my hips were actually good for something. I traveled quite a bit. First to Ndola for dental work and then to the U.S to drop off my son for college and also for fundraising. I told you what I was most excited about in the States. We passed through London and got to do some sightseeing.

I kicked off April by explaining how our son came to be named T.J. Life carried on at a rapid clip with activities at the orphanage, a new baby named Lizzie, and more fundraising in the U.S.
I discovered how hard it is to be the parent of grown children especially when they are far from your home. Speaking of loved ones and distance, I got to visit my mom in California and take part in her favorite hobby. I also met my sister's husband and two children for the first time.
Tom continued to hold down the fort at the orphanage.

In May, despite all the work I had to do, I continued to really enjoy my time States side. I even attended my first ever concert
Despite all the fun, there were some challenges. My daughter broke her knee. I got stranded at an airport. Back home, Tom continued to have his own adventures.

June found me traveling back home. It was good to be home, but I also had a difficult time readjusting
I didn't have much time to sit around feeling sorry for my lack of energy as we had one of our busiest months with some more 'African' days. We had water emergencies but Tom found solutions for them.
Baby Peter had to learn to share his family with an 'intruder'. I wrote about a Zambian tradition I just can't get used to.

July found us celebrating our first ever birthday party for two of our little girls. We had fantastic news when the clinic came to do a check up on the kids.
A friend came to spend a month with us and she and I got away for a few days of vacation. It was wonderful!! Read all about that here: Day one, day two, day three, day four, Livingstone and Victoria Falls,  and a safari.
We also took in little baby Raphael who sadly passed away due to his severe medical issues. 
Mutomboko also happened this month though I did not document it.

In August I was reminded what  a big job we have as we faced employee issues. Tom also faced a challenging dilemma and wrote about how he resolved it. Chola accompanied us to Lusaka for a medical check up and later in the month had a minor surgery.
Tom continued to work with the Wildlife Association in rescuing animals. Some we could helped and some we couldn't

September saw our 17 year old son venturing out on his first solo trip to Lusaka. The heat came in as we moved out of winter (May-July here) and into summer (August-November). We got a pool so the kids can learn to swim.
I gave everyone a peek into one of my regular days.
We had a visit from an important government official who had only good things to say about our work.
Baby Peter learned an important skill just over a year after coming to live with us.

When October rolled around we were busy with the kids, our Bible classes and the regular life of a missionary when, along came a huge hurdle. While this hasn't been completely resolved we are at least at peace again and things are still going well with our main projects. 
I gave a virtual tour of our home and answered some good reader questions. You can find those answers here, here, and here.

November brought us a new baby girl. We launched a special Christmas project for the kids, too.
I continued answering reader questions. I found humor in daily African life, had a close encounter with a snake, and rainy season started in earnest bringing the regular animal life out.
Then life took a difficult heart broke a little more and I continued to find healing in writing.  

My heart was still full as December opened with World AIDS Day. I wrote an article about how HIV/AIDS affects us and those around us here in Zambia.
I was reminded how God chooses the foolish things when I went shopping one day.
We said goodbye to our pet monkey when he moved to a zoo. Then we said hello to a new baby.
We wrapped up the year by celebrating Christmas with the little ones in a wonderful way due to the generosity of many of you!

2010 was an exciting and wonderful year! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us now.
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