Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sundays in My City--Vacation Day One

Unknown Mami

Ok, so I'm kinda cheating on this one because number one, this isn't really my city and two, this all took place two weeks ago but a) I don't even live in a city but a village so what's a girl to do? and b) this is my blog and I can write what I want. Hah!

Our volunteers, Summer and Hannah, had wrapped up their month long stay with us at the orphanage which was wonderful--their stay, not that it was over--and I accompanied them on the bus and got them to their airport on time.

 Amazingly, just after they walked through the security and check in gates my friend Debbie showed up at arrivals. Funny how that works! Lest you think that there was some kind of cosmic coincidence going on, we actually planned it that way. It's true!

Debbie and I had been planning this visit for months. We (she) pored over all the websites and booked flights and planned activities. We were both so excited! One of the things she had asked for was that I meet her with Starbucks at the gate. We had a good laugh about that because the likelihood of Starbucks opening a store in Zambia before her arrival was less than nil. But, good friend that I am I decided to make something happen.

Here it is! Zambia's own version: Sturbacks! Oh, yeah.

Trouble was, I hadn't taken into account my ability to get into trouble coupled with my clumsiness and inability to juggle multiple bags and cameras and hot beverages with any type of skill. 

Witness therefore the result:

I'm telling you! If I were a different sort of person I could totally own a sweet little coffee vending cart right now. There was no sign on the cup or anywhere nearby stating that the double shot espresso with added hot water was dangerous and not meant to be poured onto your person. 

Anyway, all's well that ends well. We checked into our hotel. Six years ago when Debbie and I met on her first mission trip to Zambia we stayed at this very hotel. We were excited to stay there again. The room was cute with African Zebra print that just happened to match Debbie's luggage. 

See? You can hardly see her suitcase.

Here is a better shot. Isn't that cute?

 Tomorrow: More trips down memory lane and a trip to my most favorite restaurant in Zambia.

Take a tour with people around the world at Unknown Mami's Sundays in My City.


  1. I really didn't see her luggage at first glance - how funny. I hope she enjoys her trip to see you and Zambia. I was co-owner of a coffeehouse. I know that hot espresso on the hand feeling. Hope it doesn't leave a lasting impression.

    Kristin - The Goat

  2. I sure hope your hand is ok!! you seriously rock for trying to take her some to begin with!

    Have a great time!

  3. That suitcase and bedspread shot is a hoot!

    But I am sooooo sorry about your hand. Yikes! That looks like it really hurts :-(

    Have a great time together,


  4. ooops, sorry about your hand but you have a friend there - friendship heals!
    SIMC greeting from Casa,
    have a good week ahead!


  5. Oh! I love good friends. The volunteer girls looked wonderful : ) what a blessing. LOVE the funky hotel and so sorry about your burns. Have a wonderful time with y our friend!

  6. The suitcase is adorable! I'm glad you got in a visit with your friend.

  7. That's a sweet idea, matching luggage and hotel room (I know it wasn't planned but hey!). Enjoying a little glimpse into your world, sounds fascinating. Visiting from SITS.

  8. I hope you are having a wonderful time with your friend.


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