Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Thought I'd Seen Everything!

I'm still in shock hours later. 

It took me solid minutes to even be able to verbalize what I'd seen. 

And for me that's a record.

Tom thought that I was holding myself in reserve for the sake of our guests and that if not for them I would have been screaming, shouting and throwing things. 

I'm not sure......I think I was in too much shock to do more than sit with slack jaw and barely speak.

What is it that got me so upset?

Well, I will tell you the story:
Today while we were eating lunch I saw the kitchen helper take one of my steak knives out to the wash room where she was preparing food for the nannies' lunch. Because I prefer for her to use the proper knives for each job I followed her out to tell her to choose a different knife.

As I opened the door to the wash room I saw the lady in the corner of the room with her skirt hiked up and her hands between her legs. My first thought was, "What the heck is she doing with my knife??"
 When I asked her what on earth she was doing she produced a can and said, "I'm sorry, madam, I am urinating." (This room is less than 50 yards from a fully equipped bathroom with three toilets) 
When I found my voice I asked her why on earth she hadn't used the bathroom. She replied, "I apologize, madam, I failed to go to the toilet." 
I had no words to say but managed to sputter: "Well, go wash your hands right now!!"

This all took place less than 3 feet from the food she was cooking for the nannies.

I honestly sat in stunned silence for minutes on end today and I don't think anything can erase that image from my brain. What would you have done in my shoes?

*Update* I should explain that the knife was safely lying on the counter and not involved in this woman's misdeeds. 
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