Yesterday I was still down for the count. So I stayed in bed almost completely still. One of the problems with malaria is you feel a bit better during the day and so you get up and move around and then relapse so recovery takes longer.
Anyway, that little tidbit of information is my way of stating that I had nothing to do with what went down yesterday.....
Every day our kids have a 30-45 minute video viewing time right after their afternoon nap and snack. Yesterday, Tom was excited to share one of his favorites with them--The Three Stooges.
It was met with decidedly mixed reviews.
The nannies enjoyed the fishing episode because Kazembe is very much a fishing area.
Jennifer, however, started weeping the moment the video began playing. She eventually had to be taken from the room.
Chola sat with his eyes covered the entire time. He really didn't want to watch it.
In the middle of the video, the electricity went off, but came back on after just a few minutes. Tom cheered, "hooray, now we can watch the video again"!
Chola was not happy and did not want it turned back on again.
Johnny was really impressed by the cannibals who had bones in their noses and wanted to eat Larry, Curly and Moe. He talked abut them all afternoon and wanted to know if they were the 'bad guys'.
I think it's safe to say that The Three Stooges will not be in the regular selection of afternoon videos.

Please continue to pray for my full recovery. I'm moving around a bit more today but it still leaves me breathless and in a cold sweat. I have to force myself to rest completely today so that I can try to get work done tomorrow. Tomorrow morning will mean 9 working days only before we leave for the U.S.
Exactly One Year Ago (yesterday): Fab Friday Foto