Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sundays in My City--It's Raining and Pouring

This was the scene from my front porch yesterday. After months with no rain (normal dry season) I'm so excited and happy to finally see rain. I grew up in areas with monsoons and there is something about rain that makes me really happy. I'm sure part of that is because I've mostly lived in areas where it rains and pours and then the sun comes out and you're not really housebound and the sky does brighten up between storms.

We live on a hillside so water comes rushing down the hill and has taken down one or two of our walls from time to time. Now, Tom makes sure the drainage ditches are dug  and cleared well before the rains start. Even so, I'm always amazed how quickly the rivers of water disappear after a storm like this one.

Before moving to Africa I loved thunderstorms.--The bigger the better. My friend (who spent time in Pakistan and gets my love of the subcontinent) also enjoys storms. We would call each other when it started to rain and storm, "It's raining!" "I know! I just heard a huge clap of thunder!" 

Now, since moving to Africa, I sing a different tune. If power gets knocked out by a storm it will be hours if not days before it's restored. Now when there is a storm, we have to turn off all our electronic devices because we've lost some expensive equipment from lightning strikes.
It sucks being a grown up at times.

Still, even knowing that a simple thunderstorm could bring a small disaster with it, I enjoy watching the rain fall. The smell of rain on the wind, the freshness that follows a storm. It's wonderful to me.

What about you? Are you a fan of rain or does rain in your neck of the woods mean gray skies and dreary weather?

Unknown Mami

This post is submitted as part of Unknown Mami's Sunday World Tour. Go take a peek.
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