Last week we took Chola down to Lusaka with us as we took some volunteers back to the airport. The last time we took him down with us, he had a terrible abcess on his upper leg which needed to be 'taken care of'' (no details needed--very very painful) and so he was not enthusiastic about getting back in the car.
While this trip also meant visits to the doctor, we were determined to make the most of it for his sake.Tom was really good about taking pictures so that the memories would be saved and we can show Chola (and the other kids) that a trip to the city is tons of fun!
The first night in Lusaka we went to a new restaurant that had a trampoline, jumping castle and playstation area all set up for the kids. We sat in view of the play place so that we could watch Chola play. He had so much fun!
I'm not sure who enjoyed the video games more.
The reason we took Chola with us is that he has a minor birth defect that will require some surgery. We had to get an ultrasound down and then set up the surgery appointment. A very nice, Egyptian missionary, surgeon will be performing the surgery. He will need to stay for 2 nights in the hospital.
A highlight of the trip, for Chola, was visiting the airport when we dropped off our friends. He got to watch several small airplanes land or take off.
It was really nice having a chance to spend one on one time with Chola. With the kids being with nannies all the time we tend to only see the surface. Having the five days with Chola meant that I could see his personality more and also see where there are some educational gaps. By the end of the trip Chola had come out of his shell much more and was more communicative and playful. We had a really enjoyable game of Go Fish where Chola giggled and trash-talked up a storm.
Nearly all our kids have sponsors who help with their daily expenses but when it comes to medical procedures, this is a new expense. The entire surgery with 2 days of hospital stay comes to just about $600. With traveling expenses added in, it is still under $1000. Not bad considering! If you would like to help with this extra and very necessary need please click on the button at the upper right side of this blog. Or you can email me at amymorrowinafricaATgmailDOTcom and I will give you instructions. When we reach this financial goal I will let you all know.
Thank you and God bless!