Friday, May 14, 2010

My Girl

Jennifer had her MRI today. We are still awaiting her results. I fly out early tomorrow morning so I won't be around to help her talk with the doctor but she seems capable and I will be available by phone if she wants my help during the consultation.

Her professors have been so helpful since the accident happened the day before most of her finals were due. They've extended the due dates, one professor offered to bring the test to the house and watch Jennifer take the test, and best of all, her history professor said that her grades were so good that she didn't even have to take the final. What great news!


This evening as we set the table for dinner Jennifer commented on my makeup saying that it looked really nice. I thanked her and then asked what in particular she liked since it isn't often that I get it right. She said that the red eyeshadow really looked good.

"Is it the color right under my brow?"
"Yes, it is."
"Ah, that would be the after-brow-waxing special."


  1. AnonymousMay 14, 2010

    excited to find your blog. I used to live in zaire and then rwanda--was a missionary there. almost 6 years in zaire and then 3 1/2 in rwanda. i've been to zambia several times. much hotter than where i lived even though we were almost right on the equator in zaire--but in the mountains. i live in cairo now but miss SSA a great deal. i moved to zaire in 1978. i actually have a number of stories on my blog about my experiences living and then working as an int'l consultant (mostly with USAID). drop by if you get a chance. good luck with your orphanage. what's the name of it?

  2. Hahahaha... that's a good one! The after-wax special - so funny! :)

  3. That's just too funny about the waxing! Owwww...

  4. I am new to your blog, so I don't know what happened with Jennifer, but sending prayers because that never hurts!

    That always happens to me when I get my eyebrowns waxed.

    Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day on Monday!

  5. Happy Sharefest! That's quite a brood you have there girl, hope the MRI went ok for J x

  6. AnonymousMay 15, 2010

    I am so glad everything is working out. Happy Sharefest Saturday!

  7. Apparently I haven't been by in a while. I hope Jennifer is OK.


  8. Wow Africa! what an amazing life you must lead!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and my SITS day !


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You can also email me at amymorrowinafricaATgmailDOTcom

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