Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Whole Gang

Top row:  Sandra (3), Lizzie (1), Jack (1) & Moriah (2)
Second row: Peter (19 mo.), Ernest (5), Henry (3), Janet (3), Jennifer (3), & Denny (18 mo.)
 Third row: Nathan (2), Beauty (3) & Theresa (4)
 Fourth row: Chola (5), Johnny (4), Queenie (4), & Elias (4)
Last row (AKA baby row): Joshua (5 mo.), Ephraim (5 mo.) Ana (6 mo.),  & Nicholas (3 mo.)
And that's what 21 children sitting all together looks like. 

Aren't they adorable?

Do you have a favorite in the crowd? Go ahead, you can tell me.  

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