Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sundays in My City

With 21 children on the property there is always something happening. This is a busy, busy place. 

All these pictures were taken just today. 

We have two Peace Corps volunteers helping out with painting a world map on our library wall. It is all gridded out and they are sketching in the countries. Painting will come later.

Another volunteer student teacher from Denmark was playing a game with the oldest kids in the playroom.

Out in the courtyard, Lizzie made huge progress this weekend as she learned how to take her first steps. She kept standing up and then giving herself a round of applause.

I loved how all the preschoolers surrounded her to cheer her on as well.

In the corridor near the playroom I discovered Denny taking steps with assistance. This is huge since he came to us in such a malnourished state and cried whenever we encouraged him to stand, much less walk. I love how he is smiling with such joy at his accomplishment!

In the dining room I got ready to teach Tom's class of pastors and church leaders since he is away. 

Look who decided to put in an appearance via Skype! The students were amazed by the time difference. Tom was just getting ready for morning church and we were holding afternoon classes.

Take a tour around several time zones with Unknown Mami's Sunday's in my City meme.
Unknown Mami
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