I'm linking up for the first time with Like Mother, Like Daughter for their meme with the title above. (There should be an adorable button here but I can't get it to work)
I adore these flowers (I think they're frangipani) and love when they bloom!
Not even cats escape the geekiness of this house.
Poor Chai. The kids made her a super hero costume out of candy wrappers.
I finally finished these counted crossstich projects. I began working on these two flowers in 2005. In between I finished many more projects but I found these to be a little boring.
Now all I have to do is find frames and a place to put them. How many years will that take me?
A shot of one of our three pantry shelves.
This is kinda for Tom. He gets nervous if our staples aren't fully stocked.
I want him to know I'm holding down the fort while he's away.