Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sundays in My City--Looking Back

Last week I posted our latest portrait of our children. I thought it would be fun for us to look back and see the kids over the past couple years.


In the beginning of 2009 we had 11 children. Our age range was 3 years to 6 months.

Christmas 2009
By the end of 2009 we had grown to 14 children. Our age range was now 4 years to 3 months.

early 2010
We still had 14 children (three other children had passed through our care, but had been taken to Heaven), and our youngest was now 6 months old.

October, 2010

 As we drew close to the end of 2010 we had grown to 17 children. Sadly, little Sara (the youngest baby in the above picture) passed on just after this picture was taken. 
The age range at this time was 5 years to 3 months.

April, 2011

Just six months after the picture before this one was taken  we had grown to 21 children. We've doubled our population in just 2 years! Our age range now is 5 years to 3 months.

Many of you commented that it was amazing that we could get all those kids sitting down in one place and nearly all looking in the same direction. This was not an easy task as I'm sure you can imagine. In a day or two, I'll be sharing some of the outtakes from that day's photography sessions. Yes, I said sessions. It was a long day.

Isn't it great how we have those steps? They're so handy for photographs. 

For more peeks into life around the world, go visit Unknown Mami 
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