I promise, I'm not really complaining.
I'm more just stating a fact.
These past couple weeks I've been completely bugged.
I'm being completely literal.
The other day I went into the clinic and found it covered with termites. We cleaned it all up and yet the next morning....
They were all back. We figured out they were coming from below the floor and a little cement fixed up the problem.
Then, a couple days later I saw the laundry lady leaving for her lunch break and asked her what was in her hand. I was not prepared for her answer or what she showed me!
This was going in her cooking pot. I screamed, "Why, oh why?!?" I know they're high in protein and fat. I'd just rather eat peanut butter.
Just before Tom left on his trip, we found a little critter hanging out on out on our front porch. Literally, hanging.
Tom and I spent several minutes taking pictures with our respective cameras; trying to get the best shots. I was quite impressed with myself and how far I've come in my quest for courage.
And yet, yesterday, as I worked on the computer, I felt something tickling my neck. I thought it might be my shirt's tag or perhaps my hair stuck in my necklace. I reached up to fix whatever it might be, when to my horror, I discovered it was a huge stink bug.
I confess that I shouted a few things I shouldn't have and jumped around my room a bit. I guess I haven't gotten far enough on that courage thing.