Tonight I'm a little sad.
Why is that, you ask.
Well, for the next five days I will be home alone. As alone as one can be with 23 children, 16 staff members and dozens of animals, anyway. But, our small personal family will all be away--except for me. I'm staying here to hold down the fort.
I was going to be working hard on a project with a visitor who wants to help us with some rebranding, but that fell through for now, so I'll be catching up on other work. The nice thing about being alone is that I can do this work on the couch while watching any channel on the TV I want!! Hooray for that!
But, still a bit sad to be all alone. Any ideas on any special things I can do with my alone time?
So, why am I being left all alone?
When we were in Lusaka for our mini family vacation, Tom saw a poster that got him all excited. It was an advertisement for a fundraiser being held September 29. It is going to benefit the Elephant Orphanage in Lusaka.
Now, Tom wasn't particularly excited because it was a fundraiser--not that we don't care about elephant babies (especially orphaned ones), because we care deeply about all babies (more about that tomorrow)--but, because this particular fundraiser was going to be a comic book event. To be specific, a Heroes and Villains Ball.
Within minutes Tom, Troy and Jasmine had begun to dream, design and deliberate.
They have been hard at work these past few weeks crafting their costumes. As you probably know from reading our annual Halloween posts, this family takes their costumes seriously!
I know there will be plenty of photos to share of their time in Lusaka attending this Heroes and Villains Ball. I'll share them all with you and tell you all the fun details about not only the party, but how they managed to put together the costumes with mostly thrift store acquisitions.
But for today, I would like to play a little game with you:
I will give you three clues for each character, and if you are the first person to guess all three correctly, I will send you a pound of Zambian coffee.
Tom: trench coat, fedora, mask
Troy: purple pants, vest, green
Jasmine: red, knives, villain
This contest will run until Tuesday when I will reveal the costumes and the winners.
Have fun!
Exactly Two Years Ago: Snakes and Klingons
Three Letters You Need to Write to Yourself
6 months ago
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