Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday--The Potato edition

Many blogs out there do a Works for Me Wednesday. I don't know that I will have one for you every Wednesday but if I have little tips to share I'll post them on Wednesday.

Today I am sharing a tip for getting oil into fry pans when making french toast or pancakes when you just want a bit but inevitably the bottle will pour out too much and you're faced with a decision--find a coffee cup to try to pour the extra off into (risking it dripping onto your floor or counter) or making an extra oily batch.

I have a griddle on my 'Santa wish' list but for now, when making toast or pancakes I usually have two or three fry pans going at a time so that is a lot of re-oiling.

I have no idea where I picked up this idea along the way but here it is: I cut a clean potato in half and stab a fork in one end. Then I pour a small amount of oil into a bowl.

When I pick up the potato it retains the perfect amount of oil to spread around the fry pan and allow for frying pancakes. After frying each one I just rub the potato around again. No more wasted oil. I think little spray bottles for oil work well also but I've never had one and I think it would get pretty dusty in this area. So, for now, This Works For Me.

And now, because I love you and am thankful you stopped by:

Here's a cutie patootie!

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