The Noticer is a semi-biographical story by motivational speaker Andy Andrews. It is set in Alabama and is about a man named Jones and his interactions with the community. A bit of a mystery man he leaves quite an impact in his wake. I think readers have to determine for themselves if this is fact or fiction.
When I received this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers to review what caught my eye were the words under the title: Sometimes all a person needs is a change of perspective. After working for seven years in one country I found the idea of a new perspective very appealing.
Many times while reading The Noticer I would immediately want to share part of it with someone else—the mark of a good book in my opinion. In fact, we did read some one day during our daily devotional and it sparked quite the discussion. There was a chapter that dealt with love languages in a new way that felt fresh and interesting. With five teenagers and a tween I enjoyed the chapter that talked about dating and finding your life partner.
Because the book dealt with many different characters it was hard to feel an emotional connection with any of them but taken chapter by chapter I think this will be less noticeable. There is a nice study guide at the back which would make this a nice choice for book clubs or even Sunday School or cell groups.