Timmy on the tractor with Johnny
Several times a week I am asked by people during online chats or in emails how many children we have. Two years ago that was an easy question to answer: “I have six children”. Now, it is a bit more complicated. I still have six biological children, but only four live with me since the oldest two moved away to college this year. I have 14 new children but they’re not really mine. I usually ask, “Do you mean my children or my new children.”
This works alright for now but Chola and Queenie have been with us for 2 years now. They’re not really new anymore. In just six years, if we’re still here, likely none of our biological children will be here and Chola and Queenie will be 9 & 10 years old and definitely not new anymore.

Little Ernest could barely reach the handle
I feel intense love for all the children we’ve taken in and give them the best care I can but at the same time we haven’t adopted them. They are still wards of the state for want of a better term. We are partnered with Social Welfare to be guardians for these children and it is our goal to see them from infancy to adulthood.

While this would break our hearts it is also the task we have taken on. We believe that God will provide the next person to love and care for them if we can’t. For now we are their mommy and daddy but someone else might take up that role later on.

Until then, may God bless you and keep you on your own personal adventures.