Friday, April 30, 2010

What Do I Do With These?

I was so excited to win this Sonia Kashuk makeup brush set giveaway from Dorkys at Dry As Toast when she was a featured blogger on The Secret is in the Sauce.

Aren't they pretty? Now, how do I use them??

I was raised in a very conservative household. Makeup was not encouraged. Shaving of any sort was what shallow people did. I was nearly 15 before I screwed up the courage to shave under my arms and boy was I glad I did. I participated in an outdoor concert that summer and the directors did inspections to make sure we were all clean and tidy. Ewww.
  It was much later before I felt that I could risk the wrath of God and shave my legs. My mom did take good care of herself and when I asked why she shaved but didn't let us, her reply was: "Oh, sweetie, I wish I had never started."

 Brush # 1

Anyway, so I didn't grow up with a lot of beautifying experience.

Brush #2

Now I've won these brushes and I feel like I should do something with them. 

Brush #3

Tell me what they are all supposed to do.

 Brush #4

If Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is good make up in the hand of the applier? 
Of course it is!

Brush #5

I am in a heap of trouble. So, please help a girl out. I will send a treat from my African collection to a random commenter who offers helpful advice.  
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