Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sundays in my City--Festival Edition

After my time in California (I promise to write more about my visit there soon) I decided to spend the day with my kids. This Saturday was a big day in our neck of the woods as there were 2! festivals happening. First, the little beach near us was having a carnival. And  secondly, the San Jacinto monument nearby was honoring the history that happened there 74 years ago with a reenactment of the famous battle as well as free admittance to the museum and some interesting booths and bands.

We decided to hit the beach first for a picnic and then on to the reenactment.

Carnival rides--always a good time!
We chose to sit right next to the band but when the music started up we were wondering if we'd made a mistake because it was really loud. We ended up loving the music though--hits from Journey, the Rolling Stones and others. We sang along and cheered.

This little boy didn't feel the same way. He walked by holding his ears and crying.

The all-American picnic. Notice the pie in the center? 

T.J wanted to make sure we had it be real Americans.
Kite flying--also an important part of an American day out at the park.

 San Jacinto Monument

The Texans with the (very loud) cannons

The Mexicans firing back

Heading off to battle

And the battle began and quickly ended.

T.J--our history buff--enjoyed the day very much.

What is happening in your city this weekend

To visit others around the world link up with Unknown Mami or visit her Sunday in the City post each week.

Unknown Mami
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