I need to do some blog housekeeping. I've been given a couple awards and haven't had a chance to discuss them or pass them on.
First of all:
I was given this award by Krissa at Halfasstic. It's so ugly, isn't it? LOL!!
Next I was given an award by Cheryl at PrairieMaid.
I am supposed to list ten things that make me happy. I always have such a hard time with these things but I'll try:
1. Finding a book in a resale shop that I want to add to my library.
2. Indian food.
3. A good workout.
4. Beds in America (England too). So comfy!!
5. Babies, babies, babies.
6. Learning that a book I've requested has arrived at the library.
7. Dancing.
8. Watching my kids become adults.
9. Being married to a godly man.
10. Coffee with french vanilla creamer.
Now I have to pass this award on to a few bloggers. I would like to highlight some of the blogs that inspire me.
- Rae from Journey Mama She recently was living in India. Her posts brought back so many memories. She is back in North America right now and her post the other day felt really familiar.
- Ali at Ali's African Adventures She works on Mercy Ships traveling around the coast of Africa helping with medical care. She is a head nurse (maybe the head nurse) and always has such heartwarming stories. This post has me all excited.
- Katie at the Journey. She reminds me what real missionary work is and I feel challenged to love and serve even more.
- Jennifer at Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Everything. Ok, I'm sorry if this is nepotism but I really enjoy her writing. Two days after I wrote this post, she wrote this post and I felt so much better about things.