October Birthdays: (L-R) Maggie--3, Naomi--2, Ephraim--3, Ana--3, Moriah--5, Beauty--6, Chola--9 |
We don't have to have a special holiday excuse for a party in October. We have nine reasons to celebrate. That's how many October birthdays we have. Not pictured are Luke and Leah. They just turned 1 year old.
We had a visiting Peace Corps volunteer staying with us for a couple days. He helped me by baking a cake and some sugar cookies so I could come in at the last moment and decorate our themed cake with buttercream frosting and Allsorts candy. I don't think we have this candy in the U.S. It is a type of licorice. I found it at the store last week and was so happy to find the perfect colors.
We didn't have any birthday candles (and I also didn't want a pockmarked cake), so we had Chola blow out the ceremonial candle.
After everyone had cake and cookies, we pulled out two huge trunks filled with costumes and let the kids go up one by one to pull something out and put it on.
It made for some very unique ensembles.
Chola brings to mind the 1980s movie Coming to America. He looks like an exotic African prince or Chief.
We had the music cranked up and the kids danced around the dining room and we played a game of freeze dance. Beauty came in second. Queenie (in the background) came in first.
Johnny was so excited to dress up like Superman. While he was standing on this wall the wind was blowing his cape, but we couldn't quite capture it in the picture.
Here's almost the whole gang. A couple of the kids were over it by the time we got to pictures. I am so thankful for the variety of costumes and dressy items we have for the kids to play with. They had such a good time!
Of course Troy put together a costume as well. He threw this together in a couple of hours. He's the Pirate Assassin from Assassin's Creed 4.
As much fun as Troy has out here in the bush, he is eagerly awaiting the day when he can join his siblings in the U.S for even more cosplay.
This year my oldest five kids dressed up as characters from Alice in Wonderland. From left to right we have the Ace of Spades, the Queen of Hearts, Alice, the Cheshire cat, and the Mad Hatter.
They won first place prize at their church's Trunk 'n' Treat. They made those costumes from scratch using thrift stores. I'm so proud of them!
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