Friday, November 15, 2013

Wearing my Schoolhouse Marm Hat

Things are busy right now.

Since Brent and Sarah left I have been trying to do some school with the kids each day. I do a one-room-schoolhouse type thing for about 45 minutes where I cover a bit of reading and math work trying to pull in all the age groups. We'll talk about time, have the preschoolers say the alphabet, the kindergarteners count by 5s or up to one hundred, and the first graders take turns quoting the ones addition table. We'll go over nouns and sound out some words.

We also sing songs together and I read a chapter from a book. It's not ideal, but they're getting some input.
After that united time, I assign workbook pages and/or activities for the remaining school time which the nannies can then supervise.

I still have to do my regular office work so it's been challenging to keep up with everything.

There have been some important deadlines to meet with working to connect with a new organization, register our future school (we plan to open officially in January) and keep up with records, payroll, etc.

We managed to get a newsletter out last week. You can see it  by clicking here. Take a moment to subscribe too, please.

Our new kittens have also taken up our time. Thankfully they seem to moving well to solid food, but for a while we were having to hand feed them milk. Newborns are tough!

Another big project on my plate is getting out our annual Christmas cards. I designed them and will be having the kids hand paint them over the next week (using homemade watercolors) so we can mail them out next Friday. I'm hoping to get about 100 done. If you have supported Kazembe Orphanage this past year, watch your mail box. 

I'm not complaining, by any means. Life is good and I'm happy with all we're accomplishing. But it does mean I have less time to do some of the things I love--one of them being writing.

I do apologize. I have several adventures to report--Tom falling off a ladder and the ensuing hospital visit is one for the books--and I will get to them eventually.

In the meantime, please feel free to read some of the past posts, and browse through the archives.

Exactly One Year Ago: How to Survive a Queue
(Almost) Exactly One Year Ago: Maggie
(Just Over) Two Years Ago: Africa Wins This Round
Exactly Four Years Ago: Chola

1 comment:

  1.'s what the best moms do!

    Our church bought some small toys to send you for Christmas. Cross your fingers that they'll get to you before then! I look forward to your Christmas cards every year, they are always adorable!


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