We're going to be losing our large garden space soon because by July of next year we hope to have 2 new cottages and a school building in that field. I hope to write more about that in the next month or so.
In the meantime, we're trying to work with our reduced garden area. So, to that end, we are experimenting with landscape gardening. We're going to begin building raised beds all around and between the buildings where we can grow herbs and vegetables. We'll even plant peas and beans along fences and barriers to provide beauty and food.
We decided to do an herb garden first of all. This yard section is between our house and the dining/kitchen building. We still have our large garden for the next few months so we'll plant larger veggies there still.
We probably could have done a much lower bed but our large dogs keep thinking that these beds have been personally built for them. They love the cool dirt on these hot days. We filled the beds with river soil and compost. The plants are going to be so happy.
The bed runs east/west so it will get lovely sunshine all day.
On Thursday we planted Roma tomatoes, basil and coriander (cilantro) in the center. On either side we planted lower-growing plants: lettuce, chives, leaks, spring onions, and parsley. In one corner we planted a chili pepper plant.
Those were the only seeds available in our supermarket. When Tom goes to Lusaka he's going to try to get a few more herb seedlings that we will plant in and among the existing plants as we see how they go. I'm hoping for rosemary, thyme, oregano and mint.
I'm so impatient--I'm like a little kid now--I can't wait for green growth to appear. So far I've spotted 5 teeny tiny bits of green poking up. I can't wait to be able to mosey out of my kitchen door with a little basket to gather whatever herbs I desire for that day's meals.
Exactly One Year Ago: A Favorite Halloween Memory
Exactly Two Years Ago: Fab Friday Foto--A Stolen Snooze
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