Thanks to the prayers of many, the announcement of a winner (and new president) in our recent elections went off without a hitch. The former president conceded gracefully and his supporters accepted the majority choice without any violence.
Saturday we were able to head to Mansa and get all our shopping done. On the way we gave a ride to two Peace Corps volunteers who were also traveling to Mansa and on the way back our closest Peace Corps volunteer neighbor rode home with us. It was nice to have some company in the car.
Shoprite was being restocked as we shopped so we were actually glad we had delayed our trip by a day. We may not have found anything on the shelves otherwise.
I was looking through my photos and found a cute one from July that I hadn't shared with you yet.
During Mutomboko Tom was just chilling on the front step watching people walk by. Peter decided to join him, and I served them both a drink. Seeing them sitting together--both with long sleeves and long pants--just having a dad and son moment was really sweet.
Right after this, I took Peter with me as I went to check on the pit roasted pig. As we rounded the building at the edge of our property, he got a look at the arena next to us where there were dozens of cars, trucks and buses parked in the field.
Peter loves cars and trucks and got so excited at the huge variety parked right next to him that he started to hyperventilate: "Cars! and trucks! and cars! and trucks!" It was adorable.
And, it reminded me how we need to make a plan to get the kids out of the house more to accompany us when we go shopping or run errands nearby. We don't get out much ourselves--Jasmine's trip to Lusaka was her first since the beginning of February--so we can forget how isolated it can be out here.
I have another 'Baby Peter' story to share in a couple of days. I love that kid! And, speaking of kids I love, I'll have some new photos of Joseph to share with you also.
Exactly One Year Ago: Life Skills--Feelings Edition
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