Have you ever played Uno Attack? It is Uno on speed. Rather than just drawing a card when you can't play on your turn, you have to push a button on this little machine. Sometimes it just beeps and your turn is over, other times it spits out a card or two, but sometimes it shoots out several cards at once.
Peter discovered this game a few weeks ago and was fascinated by the beeping but quickly learned what often happened just after the beep.
Each and every time he would jump in the air and then laugh hysterically. He soon had us all in stitches.
He hasn't played it for a while but when he came in our room today and saw it on the shelf he had this funny, hesitant smile on his face. He wanted to play but was a little scared of the consequences.
We took turns pushing the button but he would cautiously extend his little finger on his turn.
Then he would wait to see what the machine had decided to do. Look at that expression!
When the cards did shoot out he would jump in fright and then growl out the cutest laugh before falling to the floor to clean the cards up saying, "uh oh, uh oh", the whole time.
I love that kid!