Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's the Little Things That Make Me Smile

It's always so much fun when we get back from a trip to the States to pull out new toys and give them to the kids. We missed Peter so much; Tom kept going and getting him from his little group and carrying him to the house. "He needs mommy & daddy time. He needs to play," he would say. I wasn't complaining.

Peter loved this little Phonics Bus. Each letter would either say its name or the sound it makes. Sometimes it would play a little jingle. Then Peter would do a little dance by wiggling his seated bottom around on the floor.

He would also repeat the letter at times although he has a long way to go on pronunciation. Right now if I tell him I love him he says "Wa Wuv Wu." I. Die!

See the little, blue car in his hand? He is obsessed with cars or 'beep-beeps' as he calls them. That size car is perfect for him and the pieces won't come off. Aren't toy manufacturers lovely to make such a great variety of toys?*

Today I 'wasted' most of my morning watching the toddlers have water playtime, first with buckets and cups and then in the baby pool. Their giggles and huge grins made my day. I'll try to share photos later but there is no way to properly capture in 2D the joyful activity that took place today. It's something that has to be experienced. And that is why I feel like I have the best job ever!

Exactly One Year Ago: Keeper, Weeper, Sleeper

*This is not a paid advertisement for toy manufacturers. I have not been compensated to sing the praises of toy manufacturers but if any toy manufacturers would like to donate toys to a needy cause they can find me right here.

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