Thursday was a hot, hot day here in Zambia. The sun was bright and it was the perfect day for water play.
We filled a bucket with water and give the kids a cup each.
They had to scoop water up with their cups and then carry it from the bucket and dump it into the baby bathtub about 10 feet away.
Moriah took her task seriously. Look at that concentration.
Once there was a couple inches of water in the bathtub they would splash around a little before running back to the bucket for another cupful.
Moriah practiced carrying water on her head like a good African girl.
Nathan had to try carrying his cup on his head too.
Their nanny gave them spoons for carrying the water in as well.
By the time Nathan reached the bathtub there usually wasn't any water left on the spoon but he went through the motions anyway, shaking off every last drop.
All the kids had a lovely time but Peter especially could not get enough of the water. He kept splashing and laughing, tossing and giggling.
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Exactly One Year Ago: T.J turned 18! Today is my oldest son's 19th birthday. He is attending his first ever karate tournament. I wish I could be there! Love you, my boy!