We just got back from our long trip to Lusaka. I'll write more about ours and Chola's experiences tomorrow.
The road down has some stretches that are just covered with potholes. There are parts where you can't even swerve to avoid them but have to go through them. Sometimes we would misjudge the depth of a hole and ka-blam! Even approaching slowly meant a pretty good jolt.
Then there is a stretch where the road is good but every 50-100 kms (30-60 miles) there were villages where the government put 10 small speed bumps at either end of each village. Even slowing down, the car still went bumpity bump bump bump.
On this particular trip up and down I was suffering from the effects of that time of month which is to women worldwide as the full moon is to werewolves.
A particularly nasty side effect is extreme tenderness in a certain portion of my anatomy. Combine this with much less than smooth roads and I have just one thing to say: