Once again I'm linking up with Five Minute Friday. This week's prompt is First.
My Bible study for the past several/many months has been To Live is Christ by Beth Moore which is a study of the Apostle Paul.
I've enjoyed so many elements of this study and learned more than I thought possible after spending my entire life studying and teaching Bible stories.
The last video lesson was from the book of Philippians and one section focused on the verse:
press on to make it [Christ's righteousness] my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own.
Beth marveled how amazing it is that God chose her first, and me first, and you first. Before even the earth was created God chose me and He chose you to have a specific purpose in life.
And in honor of this privilege of being chosen first by the Creator of the Universe, God wants us to put him first above all else. When we do that, amazingly it creates room for the things that are important to us because our priorities are first focused on making Him and others happy and that makes all other elements fall into place.
We love Him because He first loved us. Amazing Love!
hope you know how much He loves you.
(Almost) Exactly One Year Ago: Nothing Like a Burst of Adrenaline toKickstart the New Year
Exactly Three Years Ago: A New Experience
(Almost) Exactly Four Years Ago: Garden Glories
Exactly Five Years Ago: The Three Stooges
Almost Exactly Six Years Ago: Fab Friday Foto—Vol. IX