Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rainy Day Activities

This afternoon was rainy. It would be the perfect day to sip hot chai while reading a good book.*

However, when you have 28 children, lounging around is not in the plans.

I walked around the property and took a peek at all the activities going on.

On the front porch I found Tom and some of the older children embroiled in a Star Trek simulation.

In the dining room half the toddlers were busy sorting colored pasta. I have two different tri-color pastas so they can end up with three or six piles.

In the library the rest of the older children had scattered out our animal picture/fact cards. I've had these cards since my oldest children were toddlers. One night, when I was hugely pregnant with baby number four, I organized all the cards perfectly before finally going to bed at 11 PM. At 1 AM I woke up to the sound of childish giggles and found my 3 year old twins happily throwing the flash cards all over their bedroom. I was so upset I went into labor. True story.

Moving along through the orphanage I saw the babies in the playroom with Jane. A new nanny, we have been quite impressed with how well she is doing. Here she is pretending to make a phone call with Leah.

In the next section of the playroom was the rest of the toddler group playing with Duplos. Michael was doing more throwing than building, but he'll learn.

In the final playroom section I found the preschool group stringing pony beads on shoelaces. Later they wore (for a short time) the necklaces and bracelets they made.

Heading back up to my house I discovered a tag-along. Peter decided he wanted to hang out with me, so while I worked on the computer (and watched Junior MasterChef Australia) he colored and chatted away.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

*Also, what are you reading right now? I'm currently reading Call the Midwife--Farewell to the East End (book 3) and Call the Midwife (the companion book to seasons one and two) and The Shining (a spooky read for October), and In Search of Lucy.


Remember that you can get a jump start on your Christmas shopping by visiting our Ebay shop. Aside from crossing items off your list, you'll know you are helping us all here at Kazembe Orphanage!

Exactly One Year Ago: Their First Shakedown
Exactly Two Years Ago: The Tablecloth Looked Delicious
Exactly Three Years Ago: Your Questions Answered 
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