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And now, back to the news:
One of the places I was most looking forward to visiting on our trip was Munda Wanga. We used to visit this park all the time when we lived in Lusaka (the capital city) because it was fairly close to our home and was reasonably affordable. For about $2 per person we could go and spend the day in beautiful botanical gardens or wander through the smallish zoo. The little restaurant served cheap snacks and it was a really relaxing way to spend a day.
Since our visits there the zoo has grown quite a bit with a bunch of new animals added. I've had the opportunity to visit it a couple times since we moved--taking visitors there--but Tom and the kids hadn't been there since 2004.
All photos for this post were taken by Tom as I wrestled the baby's stroller over the gravelly roads. Plus, he's just better at it.

The warthogs were nice (in a very ugly way) and so very African. Sing it with me now: "Hakuna Matata--What a wonderful phrase!"

I can't see zebras anymore without thinking of Madagascar. They look comical and cartoony now.

I love the mongooses and they were favorites for T.J as well.
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a famous story about a mongoose. I will send an Zambian greeting card to the first person who can tell me who wrote this story.

There was a big colony of vervet monkeys also. There are a bunch of new ones that are in the process of being reintroduced to the wild after causing problems at the Zambian State House. One monkey even urinated on the president's head during a press conference causing great embarrassment.
Since we have our own vervet monkey we know exactly how mischievous they can be.

Speaking of mischievous, when my teenage son saw how close this ostrich was to the fence he talked about how fun it would be to wrap his hands around the neck.

Interesting fact here: they can't keep more than one male in a pride or they will fight all the time so they castrated one of the males which caused his mane to fall out. How sad is that?
And now for a very interesting story:

On one of our shopping trips to the main city--Mansa-- 3 hours away, Tom dropped the little cubs (now identified as jackals) off to the Zambian Wildlife Association (ZAWA). They were very excited since almost no one rescues animals in this part of Zambia. They encouraged Tom to file paperwork to become a wildlife officer.
ZAWA's Mansa branch later told us how happy they were that we dropped off the jackals since that meant they had something to write in their 'activity report' for that quarter. When Tom paid a visit to ZAWA's headquarters in Chilenge they said, "Oh, you're the jackal guy". Tom is working with ZAWA to establish a type of reptile habitat up here for people to view. (More about this another time).
Anyway, on our trip to Munda Wanga we saw that they had jackals and wondered, "Could they be ours???" Sure enough, they were! Look at toward the bottom of this page to see more about them.
It was so exciting to see how our small rescue efforts in this area of Zambia are making a difference.
All those year when Tom & his brother were growing up playing in the "jungle"... I never thought he'd really do it as an adult!!!
ReplyDelete---and now, it's going to be official!! WOW! How cool is that?
The author is Rudyard Kipling, although I had to google it because I forgot, so perhaps that doesn't count. :-)
ReplyDeleteDo you ever see giraffes in the wild? They are my favourite of God's creation, after humans of course!
Yay! I'm so excited to see the little jackals at Munda Wanga! :)
ReplyDeleteGrammaMack, we don't see giraffes in the wild here unless we were to go on a safari drive to one of the national parks.
ReplyDeleteWhen we drove through Botswana there were dozens of them right by the roadside.
In the capital city of Zambia there are a couple smaller safari parks that have giraffes and you can get up pretty close to them. You should come check it out.
Hey,this is cool, Amy and Tom. Thanks for sharing the pics and stories. BTW I made several copies of your last newsletter and passed them around to the SS ladies qt church to keep them updated. They are very interested in your work. Then we included you in our prayer time. Did you get your visas renewed? love, Aunt Esther
ReplyDeleteAunt Esther,
ReplyDeleteWe were working on our passports this trip--we renewed our visas at the beginning of the year but they only gave us a year since the visa would otherwise last longer than our passports. So, we had to renew our passports so we can renew our visas again in the spring of 2010.
Thanks for the prayers. We appreciate it.