Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sun 'n' Slide

While in Lusaka we wanted to make sure the kids had a chance to have a lot of fun. Munda Wanga has a pool and a slide so we made plans to swim after seeing the animals.

Funny thing though, the kids (aside from Troy) didn't bring their swim suits. They said, "Mom, many times when you say we're going to swim in a nice pool with a slid
e it ends up being a pond pool with a baby slide."

Hmmm, I think that says really nice things about my optimism. Don't you?

Actually, this was all new since the time we used to visit as a family.
Their old pool was tiny and we often got stared at while we swam as I mentioned in this post.

Think they'll listen to me now?

When we got to the pool the slide wasn't working and we were told it only gets turned on on the weekends. Tom set off to talk to management and they agreed to turn it on for us. We were so proud of Tom for persevering and making the fun happen. It helped that Tom was able to bond with the owner over wildlife preservation and the story of the jackals.

This was Troy's first ever time on a 'real' water slide. I was really impressed with how he just climbed right up that high staircase and literally dove right in. No hesitation or squeamishness at the top.

He had a good example in his big brother--always ready to dive into new experiences head first.

Tom captured this photo. I love it!

Not having swimsuits didn't stop
us from having fun. Tom shared his suit with one of the boys and then the rest swam in their clothes. This is one advantage to living in Africa. Little things like this are more relaxed.

Here is T.J in all his long-haired wildness.

They made slide chains and trains
and went down over and over again. There were only four other people using the pool that day so we basically had the run of the slide. Such a treat!

We finally convinced Tom to slide down in his pants. It was a warm day and things were sure to dry. Unfortunately, the photographer (not me, thank goodness) didn't get a shot of him on the slide and then the water turned off just after that one slide.

It was such a fun day and full of memories. I believe next time we head to this pool everyone will be wearing swimsuits.

Until next time, may God bless and keep you on your own personal adventures.


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