After bandaging his head with gauze to protect from the dusty road, I sent him off to the clinic with a nanny and that was that.
However, four hours Jack and his nanny returned with a fresh bandage, but no stitches. "They didn't have the supplies they needed", she said. But! They did send him home with antibiotics. Of course! I was so angry I was shaking and had to lie down. I made a phone call, tracked down a doctor (making sure he had anesthetics and suture materials) and took Jack and nanny back down.
I was told that we had to bring our own gloves. And then when we got there we were told we had to provide our own razor blades so his head could be shaved a bit. Fridah ran to the market for some blades and we were ready.
I'm just grateful we didn't have to come up with needle and thread--it's happened before!
Jack did amazingly well as three stitches were quickly put in. I let him play on the tablet and the colorful shapes helped to distract him. He did push the doctor's hand away after the first two stitches, saying he was all done.
I'm sure it won't surprise you that I had to ask for the third stitch. There was a gaping hole at the bottom of the wound but the doctor was putting everything away as if he were done. When I asked if he was only going to do two stitches, he said yes, but seeing the look on my face quickly amended to: "I can do another if you like!" Ummm, yes, please.
He was also released from the clinic without any bandaging at all (see the first picture), so I'm taking care of the wound myself.
The next morning as I walked around checking on things, I noticed a mama goat suffering and crying. I first thought she had broken her leg as she seemed to be struggling to stand, but then I noticed something that changed my mind.
A few minutes later, this little guy (or gal) dropped out.
I know understand why some people turn a little green around the topic of childbirth. I'll deal with open wounds and childbirth in humans any day of the week. I am decidedly not cut out to be a veterinarian!
Tom was invited to lead communion, or The Lord's Supper for one of the village churches today. At eight this morning he asked me to bake the communion bread. And, by the way, it needs to be done by 10. I had a recipe saved from the last time he led this type of service so I pulled it out and multiplied by four in order to have enough for up to 150 people. That is about 5 pounds worth of flour there! It weighed a ton as I kneaded it by hand. My biceps are sore!
The finished product all ready to go.
There were about 80 people in attendance. It was a very good service and they were thankful for Tom's help. Brent and Sarah accompanied him so they could see how this church operates.
Meanwhile, Troy and I led Children's Church. I pulled all the kids into action by having them come to the front and be different characters from the Bible. I would then ask the rest of the kids about this person. We're going through the Jesus Storybook Bible for the second time and are up to Joseph, so we only used characters leading up to that.
Above we have Abraham, Sarah and baby Isaac. (forgive the blurriness, it was hard to hold a wriggling baby)
Here you can see Jacob and his two wives. I'm glad the kids didn't remember that one of the wives was supposed to be ugly and call out this fact. That would have been awkward.
I was surprised by how much the kids enjoyed this little review. They love pretending and seeing the peers pretend as well.
In the midst of all this I baked three loaves of bread in the sun ovens and also made some banana bread. It's been a busy, busy weekend.
How is your weekend shaping up?
(Almost) Exactly One Year Ago: Signs of Summer (weird that this year we have rain already)
(Almost) Exactly Two Years Ago: Joy in the Morning
Exactly Three Years Ago: Physician, Heal Thyself