Monday, December 3, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Remember when I said that I would update you on Maggie's progress tomorrow?

Well, tomorrow has yet to come. I'm so sorry.

Yesterday the bugs were horrible. Horrible. Horrible!

I'm not talking about computer bugs. I'm talking about the real life, creepy-crawly, winged & flying, incredibly annoying bugs.

Last night while we ate dinner we encountered a minimum of 12 different bugs. They dive bombed our food. They crawled all over us. They got tangled in our hair. They ticked our noses. And lest you misunderstand and believe that this was taking place around a campfire in a forest, was our living room--our living room that has screened windows and closed doors. I have yet to figure out how they get in. But, get in they did.

And it was all too much for me. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than holding onto my rapidly disappearing sanity as I swished and (inadvertently) squished what felt like thousands of bugs from my airspace.

Getting my iPhone and downloading photos and organizing them into a Thankfulness post was not at the top of my list.

Then, today came and I got busy tackling my very large (and growing by the minute) to-do list.

All my happy progress came to a halt when the nannies brought Grace to the door. A couple days ago we noticed that her hand/arm seemed to be hurting her and had some slight swelling. I examined it and couldn't see any specific trauma. It didn't appear to be broken. We waited to see if it was bruising or if it would resolve itself. This morning it was obvious nothing had improved.

So, it was off to the hospital for an x-ray. Only trouble being that there was no electricity. Grace and I sat on the sidewalk (I didn't want to sit too close to other patients) and tried to stay out of the sun. I'm only just over an episode of heat exhaustion from our last shopping trip and made sure to keep Grace and myself fully hydrated.
We managed to see a doctor (the only one on duty for the entire hospital) after a two hour wait, but since there was still no power I decided to head home so Grace and I could eat lunch.

The moment we got home the power came on. I had the nannies feed Grace while I repacked our bags with activities and snacks and lunch for me. We hopped into the taxi and headed back to the hospital. When we got there we found out that power was back off again!

I settled in to wait and see what would happen. I ate my chicken soup out of container while cuddling a dozing Grace. When she woke up she ate my leftovers and drank some water. This all seems pretty ordinary, right? I thought so. However, our fellow patients didn't agree. We had quite the audience for all this. People found everything Grace and I did very entertaining. Some days this bothers me, but somehow it didn't today.

About an hour after getting back to the hospital I heard the power come back on and had hopes we would actually get the x-ray done. Unfortunately, the x-ray technician called me in to say that the electric company was not providing enough power to run the machines. I'd have to return tomorrow.

So, I'm sitting on my (nearly bug-free) couch recovering from today and hoping for a better tomorrow. A tomorrow when I actually accomplish much of what I set out to do. A tomorrow when I can finally share my Thankfulnesses with you. A tomorrow where we can fix Grace's arm. A tomorrow that actually arrives.

Exactly Three Years Ago: My Crazy African Life

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