Monday, December 24, 2012

Busy, Little Elves

Last year we sent out Zambian crafted cards and included a hand or footprint of each of the children. I wanted to step it up a little this year. Thanks to Pinterest I got inspired!

We started by painting and imprinting the footprints of all the children 2 years and below onto Zambian crafted cards.

Then the older children colored on and around the footprint to turn it into a robin. I loved the way they turned out. I'm so sorry I didn't capture a picture of the finished product.

Lastly they signed their names at the bottom. Our little elves managed to produce 130 cards which were all (except for 5) mailed out by December 6th. Hoorah! If you were one of the very special people who helped to support Kazembe Orphanage this year you should have one of these lovely cards in your mailbox any day now. Please let me know if you've received yours.

Tomorrow  Troy, Jasmine and I will be taking a family day. We are going to hang out on the computer to chat with family and friends around the world via Skype and Facebook. Come and see us!

Exactly One Year Ago: The Little Elves Were Out in Force
Exactly Two Years Ago: Christmas in Africa
Exactly Three Years Ago: One of My Many Inspirations  --Happy Birthday, Dad!!
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