Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Christmas Story

On 'Christmas' morning the kids woke up to see presents piled under the tree and stockings hung above the buffet window. Their reactions were a bit low key. We got up early and lay in wait with cameras at the ready to catch their surprised and excited faces, but I don't think the kids have quite enough experience to know how excited they should be. In one way it's nice that they aren't all focused on the presents, but as parents (and big brother and sister) we would have loved a youtube worthy reaction. --Maybe next year.

While they ate breakfast I explained that Santa had delivered their presents, but would only be back in the afternoon for a party. They'd have to wait until after their afternoon rest to be able to open their presents.

When the children came up after their naps, they found the dining room reorganized and set up for the party. First thing the kids got to do was choose a Christmas hat to wear.

We then served them cookies that they had helped to bake throughout the month. We had chocolate chip, almond shortbread, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, spiral bakes (or Dr. Suess cookies--as I like to call them), sugar cookies, cinnamon bun cookies, peanut butter balls, and snickerdoodles!

They got to choose any two that they wanted. I didn't want to give them more because SUGAR HIGH!
They had the rest of them the next day. I loved watching them carefully choose the cookie they wanted.

They even chose cookies and milk for Santa to have.

Finally Santa arrived! The kids were quick to tell him about the plate of cookies, and Santa played along by pretending to eat. (A beard that large makes gobbling cookies difficult, you know....)


Then we started taking the individual pictures.

Some, like Naomi were very uncertain--if not downright scared.

Peter usually smiles for photos like a pro-- I think he was not quite sure what to do.

Michael almost unmasked the hero



Janet surprised us all. She is normally quite shy, but she jumped right up on Santa's lap and flashed her gorgeous smile.

 By the time it got up to the big kids, Santa was getting really tired, as you can imagine.


 You can see all the rest of the Santa photos at this link

After picture time Santa passed out stockings for all the children.

All the kids were very grateful!

The babies enjoyed their new plastic cars.

The bubble kits we got were fun for everyone.

We're so grateful for the four ladies in Dallas who sent over a huge box filled with Christmas goodies including stockings for every child--even including Luke and Leah. We are also grateful for those who gave stuffed animals during the spring that we held onto and included in the kids' stockings. We had enough to make personal choices that would suit each child.

Christmas was made possible this year due to your generosity! You made 26 children very, very happy!

I think this smile says it all

A big thank you also to Jasmine and Troy who worked very hard helping to pull all the Christmas magic together. I'm so proud of them!

How was your Christmas? Tell me your favorite moment.
 If you wrote about it online, leave me a link in your comment and I'll come visit.
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