Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree

Last Monday we decorated the tree in the dining room. This is a new addition to our holiday decor. I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos. The kids weren't exactly holding still much during this activity. 

Queenie helping to straighten the branches

 We bought an artificial tree from Lusaka--only way to go out here--and a few simple decorations to get it started. We're sure to have plenty of kid-made treasures to fill it up as the years go by.
Elias stretching up to wrap the lights around

Timmy and Christina helped the kids set up the tree and then Timmy supervised the decorating.

Nathan helps tidy the tinsel
He did a really good job of corralling 16 preschoolers and making them all feel a part of the experience.

Beauty and Theresa working together

Janet adding the silver beads

After a child or two  had a turn at stringing a garland 'round the tree, or adding a bobble or bell, Timmy would call for a round of applause.

Even little bitty Lizzie got to add something to the tree.

Putting the star atop the tree was the grand finale. Queenie was chosen for the honor and loved being hoisted all the way up in the air.


Less than one week 'till Christmas. If you are as behind as I am, take a moment from the hustle and bustle to look on the lighter side of life on my side of the world:

Exactly Two Years Ago: My Tatas are Tired
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