Once again I find myself completely zapped at the end of the day. Today was a FULL day. Since we have a doctor here for a week we took on the challenge of giving all the children a Well Child exam as well as taking an extra look at three of the kids who have had special health concerns.
I'll be writing up a full post about it next week.
We managed to process 19 children in the morning session, and the remaining 9 in the afternoon. We wrapped up just in time for me to head to the kitchen and help with dinner preparations. Thanks to our sun ovens the chicken was cooked, and I had a team of sous chefs peeling, chopping and cutting up potatoes and veggies. I mainly came in to put it all together. We were cooking twelve people for dinner so that was a ton of food!
After we finished eating dinner (I'll have to write about our dinners sometime) and moved into fellowship (some grabbing cards for a quick name) I decided to do a little cross-stitching. It's one of the things that helps me relax the most.
Here is what I'm working on right now.
Elephants in the Moonlight. I'm really happy with how this is turning out.