Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My U.S trip is scheduled and the plane ticket purchased! I fly out on March 10. This year Timothy will be joining me so he can enter the next stage of his life and head off to college. My main goal in the U.S will be to raise funds for our annual budget and our next stage of construction.
I would like to be very busy during my whole time in the U.S so don’t be shy about setting up appointments, civic gatherings, Sunday school socials, brunches, luncheons or just about anything. The story of Kazembe Orphanage needs to be told!

I'll primarily be based out of Houston, but will be traveling to Louisiana, Midland/Odessa and Oregon for sure. Dallas, Nashville, and Alabama are also on my radar.

I'll be in the States from March 12-June 7. Let me know if you want to set up a time to meet.

As I fill the calendar I'll post places where I'll be speaking so you can be sure to catch me at your church, another church or an event. If you don’t already, consider following Kazembe Orphanage on Facebook so you can see all the events posted there and RSVP if you’d like.
I'll be out in West Texas (Midland/Odessa) for most of May. A church out there is flying Tom over so he and I can have a bit of R&R. I can't wait!!

My return date to Zambia is June 7 so if you have anything you’d like to donate (needs list to follow soon), we’d like to have it all gathered by June 1st.

I'm so excited to get to have some time State-side, to sleep in an American bed--Oh, the beds!, to eat in restaurants with customer service, to drive! on smooth roads!, to hug my college kids, to attend church. And to see as many of you as possible! Oh, so many things to look forward to!

Exactly One Year Ago: I'm Alive
Exactly Two Years Ago: Even Hypochondriacs Get Sick
Exactly Two Years Ago: Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

P.S. I have no idea why the background is white. But, my allergies are acting up and I can't see straight anymore. Please forgive me.

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