I'm going to share, from time to time, some of the quips and quotes that come out of our kids mouths.
When we show the kids new cartoons or movies, it's very important to them to know who the 'bad guys' are.
A couple weeks ago we showed the kids Tangled for the first time. We were nervous about how they would perceive the 'mom' in the movie because Repunzel obviously loved her and we thought the kids might be confused about a parent figure being the villain.
At one point in the movie though, Rapunzel's mom was refusing to allow her to leave the tower. After the argument between them leaves Rapunzel in tears, the evil lady threw herself down and sighed sarcastically, "Great, now I'm the bad guy!"
Johnny turned around with big eyes and said, "See! She's the bad guy! She said so!"
Problem solved. Since she had confessed with her own mouth the kids all knew who the villain was.
Exactly Two Years Ago (yesterday): My Week in Review (part one) The first post in a series that chronicled one of our craziest weeks.
Exactly Two Years Ago: Mr. Tom's (& Amy's) Wild Ride