For many years now we have been email friends with a couple who moved to an Asian country a few years ago. The country where they live does not welcome missionaries so I will not share that information but I wanted to tell you the story of the children in this special family.
L & M have seven children and they have done a good job in raising selfless kids who love to help others. This year they decided to help us give Christmas to the children in our care. The five youngest boys, Daniel 15, Andis 12, Arthur 9, Tedis 7, & Martin 5, really worked hard to do this. Their mom wrote me a letter and I will share excerpts of it:
"I am not trying to gloat but I just wanted to tell you the story behind the donations this time, because I am proud of my children & think it is very cute as well. Last year we gave some money to the orphans here, but it's a bit tricky, as there is a very strong cultural tradition in [this country] that says "If I do a favor for you, you will do one for me". It also makes people feel obliged to do something for you if you give them something, & that made for an uncomfortable situation with our orphan friends here. The younger boys were a bit disappointed, as they had saved up for about 4 months.
This year they decided to send the money to you all. They saved up during the year, by collecting cardboard to sell, & putting most of their reward money, etc. together. Any way, when others heard about the boys "club house" as they call it, they also started giving. So M. & I, Chris our 19 year old, Spring our 17 year old & the boys are all giving 1000 XX each. Also a kind British man gave through the year to the boys club, & then a good Christmas gift as well.
One more thing is that the day the boys decided to give half of what they saved up during the year to you I met an old friend who gave us $200.00 just like that, I told the boys that you can't out-give God & of course one of them said, "so lets give 2000 XX now" Ha ha."
It was so special that we could give Christmas to the kids here because kids halfway around the world thought of them.
Today on Missionary Monday thank God for people who think more of others than themselves and go above and beyond.