Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'll be Home for Christmas....

.....or Home is Where the Heart Is


Our tradition as a family is to open one Christmas present on Christmas Eve after spending time reading the Christmas story and reminiscing about Christmases past. The reminiscing tradition comes from my family. I always looked forward to this part of Christmas because we would try to go as far back in our memories as we could and recollect where we were for Christmas and who we were with. This was possible because pretty much every Christmas we were in a new house or city or country. We made new friends all the time and shared our holiday with them. While Tom and I haven't moved as much as my family and we got to spend a few Christmases with or near Tom's parents my oldest girls' 19 Christmases have been spent in 12 different places.

This Christmas was new because it was our first one without our oldest girls. Next year will be even more different as our oldest son flies from the nest this spring. Living in Africa means our kids can't just pop by for the weekend.

On Christmas morning I woke up early (even before excited Troy!) to unlock doors and start the staff working. I turned on the computer automatically and lo and behold immediately got a Skype call from my girls. They were just finishing up their Christmas Eve celebrations and had opened the presents from us. As we chatted my kids wandered in one at a time and got their dad up. We ended up being able to open presents in front of the web cam so the girls and my in-laws could share in the fun.

I managed to get the six of us together for a quick picture before the kids scattered for play and candy eating and Tom went back to sleep. 

Later that night I called nearly all my siblings using Skype. I had called my dad the day before for his birthday. It was such a treat to hear all their voices and catch up a bit on news. Twenty-five years ago when I was living in India with my parents I never would have imagined sharing Christmas with people in 3 different continents at one time. God is so good. 

If home is where the heart is I'm glad I don't pay rent.
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