Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Beginnings

Sunset at Terra Nova

The New Year is the perfect time to make a fresh start on so many things. I've missed writing in this little corner of the interwebs and I fear that my neglect has left it quite dusty. I'm pulling out my duster, my broom, and my keyboard to set things right.

You should see some changes over the next few weeks. My son has offered to update the header graphic. Hooray! And I'm going to play around with the layout and side bars. I know it's been ages since you've poked around my space, but if you have a moment, please stop by and see if there are elements you love and some you think could disappear with no one missing out. 

I'd love to have larger pictures and more of the stories that I enjoy writing and trust you enjoy reading.

The purpose of this space is to introduce you to our part of the world, and the beautiful children that share it with us. I'm going to be doing some remodeling and restructuring so this is accurately reflected on these pages. 

This is hereby my commitment: I am going to be publishing 3 times a week minimum with perhaps a Photo of the Week thrown in there. I already have a few articles in the pipeline (including how we spent our New Year's Eve--spoiler alert: adrenalin flowed and we were glad to be alive) and look forward to getting back into the groove of writing.

I've missed all of you!

Happy New Year and God's richest Blessings on All your Adventures this year!
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