Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's a Blogger to Do?

When one realizes that it has been over 2 months since the last posting. When a relative comments "perhaps you've run out of things to say..." (not likely!). When one has missed out on reporting some pretty big events. 

Whatever is one to do?

Well, first, I would suggest a less formal tone. One is actually you. And by you, I mean me.

So, I'm just going to jump back in. I'll start from here-- where I am today and perhaps we can have some fun Flashback Fridays for a time.

Where I am today: I'm back in Kazembe. It has been nearly a week since Tom and I turned into our gravel driveway at around 4 PM last Thursday, and I realized I had been gone for almost exactly 3 months. That is a long time in orphanage months.

All the big kids were waiting by the gate to say hello. They presented me with sweet, homemade cards. 

I met Samuel for the first time. He is adorable. More about him soon.

Our regular two-week shopping  accompanied Tom and I home, so I jumped straight into helping out with unloading and stashing away, and then cooked a beef stir-fry for dinner. It felt wonderful to be back in my kitchen!

I've unpacked all but two of the six suitcases and trunks that traveled home with me and my big project right now is figuring out what happened to my desk. Standing in its place is a massive pile of papers and debris. I'm assuming it's still there somewhere. 
Payroll was due just 3 days after I arrived so I got that out of the way--with just a few tears (all mine of course)--and now I can focus on getting on top of my paperwork. 

My trip to the U.S was a wonderful success and I'll be sharing more of that with you soon.

Also in the blogging pipeline: Josephine (the second new child), my shrinking self, castles and memorials, new classrooms, proud moments, interesting experiences, and more.

Exactly Two Years Ago: One of Those Days

Exactly Three Years Ago:  Special Delivery

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