Friday, April 5, 2013

Easter Photos

This Easter presented a fun, and rare opportunity. Six of the eight Morrows in one place at one time! 

We decided to work on coordinating our outfits for Easter Sunday so we could take pictures after church.

This was not as easy as it might sound. I chose a white dress and worked on accenting it with a colored scarf. This outfit was vetoed as being too Out of Africa--as in Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, not just crawled off a plane from Africa. 

I vetoed a suit for one of my boys as it didn't fit him properly. That it was the same son that vetoed my white dress was purely coincidental, I promise.

Eventually we all chose outfits we were happy with. Very few tears had been shed in the process. I'm pretty sure all of them were mine.

After a wonderful church service we went to the field beside the building, and got a friend to help shoot some photos with Jen's new iPhone.

Hilarity ensued as we tried to get everyone adjusted in a line. 

My heels kept sinking into the soft grass, robbing me of my much-needed height increase.

After the group shot there was some goofing off. 

T.J insisted an umbrella was a necessary prop. I wondered how long it would all go on.

Timmy grabbed me for a silly hug. 

A friend photo bombed us.

In the end, we were all very happy with our family photo*

How was your Easter?

*Troy and Tom were sorely missed.

Exactly One Year Ago: Facepalm Moments
Exactly Two Years Ago: Our Newest Babies
Exactly Three Years Ago: I'm Not Smarter than a Fifth Grader
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