In 15 days Jasmine and I will land in Texas.
In 10 days we'll be getting started on our five day trip to Belgium.
In nine days we fly out of Zambia.
Our whole family will leave in five days for Lusaka.
In 2 days Tom and I will be doing our regular Mansa shopping trip and then the very next day getting on the bus for Lusaka.
But, I'm not freaking out at all!
Just kidding.
I'm totally freaking out!
Just kidding.
I'm mainly freaking out on the inside.
Just kidding.
Sometimes it totally spills over to the outside.
I have most of the clothes I'm taking piled on a trunk. That's nearly all that I own. I have to pack clothes that can cover end-of-winter in Europe and then work for beginning of summer in Texas.
I'll need professional clothes for my speaking engagements, travel clothes for travel (obviously), and casual clothes for down times.
Looking at what I have shows some gaps in my wardrobe. I'll be looking for some staples while in the U.S. I'll probably be asking for your help in best places to shop later.
I'm so excited to be able to wear winter clothes again. And dresses. And heels. So. Excited!
I'm packing my jewelry in a cigar box for the trip. I've taped my earrings to the lid. I probably won't leave them like this for the while two months, but this should work for the two weeks of travel.
Jasmine and I will be sharing one suitcase, plus a couple carry on items for our time in Belgium and London. It shouldn't be too tricky.
Now, hit me with your best packing tip!
Exactly Two Years Ago: Fab Friday Foto--wacky shop name
Three Letters You Need to Write to Yourself
6 months ago